Friday, December 11, 2009

Beauty is in the eye of the long as society approves.

This is a mixed media piece I did on my own, not for a class or anything. It consists of collage, colored pencil, acrylic paint, and pencil.


  1. This is a very powerful piece. I love the collage work around the drawing. I love mixing media. I am so tired of our superficial world on so many levels!!

  2. Me too! I have never been one to feed into that kind of stuff. I mean don't get me wrong I like getting dressed up and wearing makeup and everything, but I see so many people I know who feel so terrible about themselves when they are beautiful people. It's sad to see how our society can force people to hate themselves. I have this hanging in my bathroom to remind people that they don't have to let our superficial society rule their lives.


Let me know what you think!